Information for using online public search
System Requirements:
The following is required to use public search. |
JavaScripting must be turned on
You must allow per-session cookies
What are per-session cookies and why do I need to accept them?
Per-session cookies are NOT stored on your hard drive and they do not contain any personal information whatsoever.
Per-session cookies are nothing more than a random, unique number generated when you first hit our site. Once you log in to
the system this number is used to determine whether or not you are authorized to access a certain page.
Per-session cookies disappear as soon as you close your browser or they will time-out after 20 minutes.
How public search works:
The first step in a public search is to select the type of search that you wish to complete. The four available options are to
search by: entity name, identification number, filing number, or by an individual's name. When searching for an entity or
individual name, a search method my also be selected. The available
search methods are: exact match, begins with,
full text (entity name only), or soundex search.
When an entity name or individual is selected, a list of results that resemble the search criteria is returned to the user.
Choose the desired result by clicking the hyperlink to display a summary screen of the entity's information. The summary
screen can be reached directly by slectig and entering an identification number for the original search criteria.
From the summary screen, select on a type of filing or activity to display specific filings. A list of filings that pertain to
the selection will be returned. The screen can be reached directly by selecting and entering a filing number for the original
search criteria.
If a hyperlink is displayed next to the filing, the filing can be viewed online. Click the hyperlink to view the filing.
NOTE: Adobe Reader is required for viewing the document.
Entering data into an online form:
Data is entered on the form by positioning the cursor on the desired input field and typing. Use Tab, or a mouse action to move
from field to field and Backspace to make corrections.
Problem with data types:
You might notice that some fields on the form won't accept your information. This happens when a field requests a specific type of
data such as numeric only. Entering anything but numeric data will cause the forms internal validation to return an error thereby
stopping the form from being submitted.
Search methods:
Exact Match - The system will return all records that 'exactly' match the entered search criteria.
Begins With - The system will return all records that 'begins with' the entered search criteria.
Full Text - The system will return all records that contain the words that were entered in the search criteria.
Soundex - The system will return all records that the 'sound like' the words entered in the search criteria.